Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lead Teacher Day

Google Accounts -  need Google Education for class.  Every student can have an account including gmail.  I would have rights as teacher to manage their account.  They could have their own website. Have teacher dashboard - is not free.  $4 per student per year.  The students would get gmail, blogger, sites, docs - spreadsheets, surveys (forms), presentations.

Using the presentation form with a group would be good.  It means the group can all work at the same time rather than fooling around. 

EPS is attempting to get everything off the server.  The only thing left is emails.  Teacher documents are on their laptops and server.  They are envising weekly plans etc done in Google. Appraisal docs have been done, and Trish likes as she can pop in and have a look.  Soon they will be really in the cloud. !!!!!!

Google is HUGE.

Discussion about Superclubz Plus.  Better for kids rather than Facebook. to sign in.  I have wanted to do this with my kids for a couple of years.  I should make it a goal for the kids.

Discussion about blogs, their purpose and getting comments.  Do marketing, house points, homework, kids to comment on each others and other classes, put on how to comment, leave a question to provoke a response.  Must have other classes blogging and commenting.  PEOPLE MUST HAVE THE PURPOSE OF THE BLOG IN THEIR GOAL. - what is my curriculum learning intention.   I have been pleased with the content of my class blog.  I would like it to have more comments.  I will have to try more bribery and corruption.

Smackdown: sharing of sites.  We enjoyed the 12 computer days of Christmas.  Thanks Bridget.  Lots of great suggestions.  Thanks guys.

E-portfolios - 4 students talked to us about the things they did with their folios.  They go on once a week to reflect.  Their portfolios are in sections: showcase, achievements, numeracy, reading, basic facts, spelling, competencies, and general comments.  There are places for parent, peer and teacher comments.  The students are quite rightly very proud of their portfolios.  One goes back to the previous year to see what they did. 

Student lead conferences: laptop, books, and the other things we are going to talk to our parents about.  They take about half and hour.  5 conferences in each class at the same time.  The teacher is the hello lady.    They have checklists for next learning steps.  Students are able to say what they need to improve.   The kids clearly enjoy them.   I liked how Veronica's class had their goal and success criteria in each section.  talking photos.  The students really like this site to show their learning and achievements.

One had a poem on power point.  What a neat idea to publish.

Belinda showed us some of a powerpoint on e-portfolios and discussion of purpose.  EPS have done a lot of work.  I think that it would be good at our 3 way conference for my students to share.  If we had our workbooks ready, and a sheet with student responsibilities and parents actions would help too.

Discussion around Ulearn and Learning@School.  Next year Ulearn is in Auckland.  What an opportunity for more of the school to go to be on the same page.

Some interesting learning today.

Clicker 5

Yesterday, I was looking at the Clicker 5 to learn about the program for my special needs student and assistive technology.   I went on the Crickweb site and was able to load down several activities which saved time in making them.

I still think it is a shame that for all the work to get the technology, we only get one program.