Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Hook and its Flow On Effects.

A couple of weeks back, we had a week of making things as our Hook activities for inquiry learning.  Each staff member had an activity of making to give the students ideas and to "hook" them into our inquiry.  Todate I think this has been the most successful beginning to our inquiry learning project this year.  The students made pop up cards, lemonade, tablemats, theremotropes and boxes.  Our students were very excited each day.  I supervised the lemonade making and was pleased to heae some had gone home and made it for friends and family.  A pity we don't have the facilities to make and store lemonade for the fair which is in November.  I notice too, that as a syndicate team we are making mor of an effort to state which part of the linquiry earning journey we are on, and to keep reminding our students of our learning outcome of making a profit of $100 per class. I have also realised that as teachers we are talking about how students are getting a good understanding of the process of how to choose an item, and understanding how to make it for the target audience.

In my attempts to integrate across the curriculum, my students have been learning to write instructions.  This was a flow on from having to use instructions in our make week.  We also in most reading groups, read stories about making things, and then the students wrote our their instructions for these.  I found a lovely story in a school journal about making 3 differenct sets of puppets which went down well with the reading group I gave it to.  Last week for homework, they founds adverts and analysed them for target audience, persuasive language, impact colours etc.  They are then able to bring this information to their reading this week to create an advert for something from their guided story.  Again the school journals have been great with a story about 2 girls making candle holders for the Saturday market, and another about making mosaic tiles.  I even used a play about recyling junk.

Whilst the idea of making something for the fair is still somewhat daunting, it is good to see the students understanding our inquiry topic and being enthusiastic.

1 comment:

  1. It does indeed sound as though this was a very successful start to your inquiry. Hands-on activity are always highly motivating and not just for the kids! It's so nice to read your reflections on your progress this year as it reminds me of all the hard work you have been doing. You should give yourself a big pat on the back!
